According to an informal poll of Kenyan NGO representatives in attendance, their #1 priority is obtaining core support to provide stability and enable long-term impact. Even the most well-established and reputable NGOs in Kenya struggle with project-to-project funding and donor restrictions on the application of overhead to strengthen their organizations. Understanding this, the NGO Council of Kenya, a forum for advocacy and capacity building of NGOs registered in Kenya, invited LINC to present to a conference for their members on February 13, 2014 at Nairobi’s Pride Inn Hotel.
During their presentation and subsequent discussion, LINC’s Rich Fromer and Patrick Sommerville outlined a number of strategies to help local NGOs improve their partnerships with international NGOs and donors, and find opportunities to strengthen their organizations. “The development landscape is changing”, said Rich Fromer, “as INGOs and donors are quickly coming to understand the value of investing in local systems. That includes you!”
Local NGOs have a number of tools that they can use to take advantage of the rapidly evolving donor environment. Participants learned about LINC’s proprietary “PICKS” tool for assessing and tracking institutional capacity development. LINC further explained its fee-for-service model, providing organizational capacity, partnership development, and program impact measurement services to LNGO clients. Strategies to develop more meaningful partnerships with INGOs and donors from activity inception through completion were shared.
“LINC’s practical approach to fundraising, knowledge of what makes a successful organization, and understanding of the challenges facing local NGOs is exactly what our members are looking for. We see a number of promising opportunities for partnership with LINC”, said NGO Council of Kenya executive Fred Olendo at the conclusion of the event.