The NYC Sustained Global Impact Community of Practice (SGI COP) is celebrating its 6-month anniversary! First launched in October 2016, by co-founders Elle Dilorenzo, Advisor at Designing Programs for Lasting Impact and Rich Fromer, Managing Director at LINC, the SGI COP is a new forum in New York City that allows professionals and practitioners to share their ideas and address different issues, challenges and opportunities in the international development space.
SGI COP meetings are held monthly and encourage high interaction and participation among participants. Meetings feature a speaker/s that highlight challenges across the sector, share innovative ideas and insights, and encourage dialogue within the community. In past, the community has brought in a unique mix of speakers and discussed topics such as social change, sustainability, advocacy, systems perspectives, and design thinking.
SGI COP represents a great opportunity for those working in the development or impact sector to discuss timely issues, as well as meet and learn from like-minded individuals passionate about addressing the challenges in this space and achieving lasting, sustainable impact.
If are interested in learning more about SGI COP, membership and guest speaking opportunities, please visit the community’s home page for more information.