LINC recently completed a two-day training in Network Analysis for 28 participants in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Facilitated by LINC’s Managing Director, Patrick Sommerville, this field training was designed to build basic skills in fundamentals of network analysis and launch our activities in Bangladesh.
Over the course of six months in 2017, LINC is providing training and technical assistance to the USAID-funded Rice and Diversified Crops project, a five year activity aimed to increase incomes and improve food security in Bangladesh. Supporting the program’s adaptive management approach, LINC is using network analysis to dynamically assess and inform a set rapid iteration market systems pilot activities for ultimate scale-up or roll-back.
To achieve this, our network analysis is designed to be accessible and easy to transfer to field project managers and staff with no background in network analysis methods. This training was the first step, with participants consisting of an array of project managers, field personnel, enumerators and monitoring and evaluation experts. Next steps include:
- Utilizing LINC’s online web / tablet based network analysis data collector, enabling staff to carry-out interviews in the field efficiently and minimize possibilities for entry errors.
- Integrating network analysis with the project’s overall monitoring and evaluation system, meaning no extra trips to collect data and alignment of basic network analysis indicators with other survey and output metrics.
- Customization of our open-source network analysis software to easily import survey collector data, instantaneously producing network maps and metrics for project management review and reporting.
This training was the first step. Stay tuned for more information, and think about how your projects might benefit from this straightforward, unobtrusive approach to integrating network analysis into your own adaptive management and reporting systems.