LINC has been awarded the four-year, $16.5 million USAID/Ghana Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Platform activity under the EVAL-ME II IDIQ.
Through the MEL Platform activity, LINC will provide a diverse array of demand-driven services to USAID/Ghana, implementing partners, and Ghanaian stakeholders including Government of Ghana Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, and Ghanaian academic and research institutions. Services will include:
- Performance management support: strengthening results measurement, MEL plan reviews, performance data analysis, and supporting performance management.
- Research and analysis: conducting assessments, special studies, and surveys.
- Evaluation services: performance and impact evaluations.
- Capacity building and learning support: M&E and learning-related training, workshops, and coaching, learning events for USAID staff, implementing partners, and other stakeholders, engagement with Government of Ghana and other local research institutions.
- Knowledge management databases and Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping.
- Communication and outreach: Strategic communications and dissemination, media, and event support, and designing and producing outreach materials and information.
LINC’s Managing Director, Patrick Sommerville said: “We are delighted for the opportunity to continue supporting USAID development work in Africa and overall monitoring, evaluation, and learning efforts.” He added: “We look forward to providing our high-quality services and products not only to the USAID/Ghana Mission, but also to its local partners and other local stakeholders. Through our work, we will strengthen the Mission’s ability to engage in evidence-based program design and increase its ability to measure, analyze, and communicate the impact of its important work in Ghana.”
LINC’s partners for the Ghana MEL Platform include an exceptional team of experienced implementers, evaluators, and researchers, including The Cloudburst Group, DevLab@Duke University, and the Institute of Statistical, Social, and Economic Research at the University of Ghana.
For more information on this activity, please contact Patrick Lohmeyer, Senior Program Director, at plohmeyer@linclocal.org.
This activity is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).