LINC has been awarded the five-year, $19.9 million USAID Resilience Platform Activity in Ethiopia.
Through the Resilience Platform Activity, LINC will provide expert technical services to reduce vulnerability in Ethiopia’s highlands by improving household and community resilience. LINC and its partners will provide learning, adaptation, collaboration, evaluation, and convening functions to support USAID’s Transitioning into Graduation through Enhanced Resilience (TIGER) Project portfolio. LINC’s services will include:

- Capacity building and learning support: helping build knowledge, actionable learning, and collaboration among stakeholders implementing resilience-building programming in the Ethiopian highlands.
- Establishing and facilitating Communities of Practice (CoPs): for both formal and informal collaboration and decision-making across multiple TIGER resilience objectives.
- Knowledge management (KM): providing an end-to-end solution for KM across all four performance objectives and establishing a flexible KM and learning plan to guide the dissemination of content, knowledge product development, and utilization tracking to facilitate TIGER-wide learning and reduce redundancies.
- Gender, youth, and social inclusion technical assistance: providing analytical support and technical services to ensure inclusion of vulnerable and marginalized groups in resilience programming.
LINC’s Managing Director, Rich Fromer said: “The LINC team is delighted to be awarded the USAID Resilience Platform Activity. It’s an exciting project that will allow us to continue working with local actors in Ethiopia.” He added: “We look forward to supporting USAID/Ethiopia and local stakeholders in their resilience-building efforts in the highlands through the provision of a range of high-quality collaboration, learning, and adaptive management services.”
LINC’s partners for the USAID Resilience Platform Activity include highly-regarded international and Ethiopian organizations, including our major subcontractor, Environmental Incentives; Ethiopian consulting firm, JaRco Consulting; and U.S.-based woman-owned small business WI-HER.
For more information on this activity, please contact Patrick Lohmeyer, Senior Program Director, at
About LINC: LINC is a mission-driven US-based small business organized around a commitment to local organizations leading their own development. We do this by implementing programs and delivering consulting and training in the areas of monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL), capacity-strengthening, and collective action. The recipient of USAID’s Small Business of the Year award in 2017, we are a team of reflective and passionate development professionals. Our country experience spans Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe.
This activity is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).