Incorporating Local Lessons
We use monitoring, evaluation, and learning; and collaborating, learning, and adapting to understand what works and then apply it.
LINC uses evidence-based monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) and collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) to help our partners and clients monitor the performance of programs, evaluate their impact and results, and learn, adapt, and design new programs.
LINC’s complexity-aware MEL approach works to capture locally relevant learning, applying tools and methods that are accessible, transferable, and result in a positive impact over time. Feedback loops anchor LINC’s adaptive approach, enabling ongoing improvement through a continuous cycle of listening, collaborating, discovery, learning, and adapting.
LINC has extensive experience supporting evaluation, analytics, and learning activities. LINC is a holder of the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Services (EVAL-ME II) IDIQ and the Kenya and East Africa Evaluation, Assessments, and Analyses (KEA EAA) IDIQ. Through these IDIQs, LINC supports USAID and its implementing partners in most aspects related to MEL and CLA efforts, including the design and implementation of evaluations, assessments, analyses, and research studies, and design, facilitation, and implementation of collaboration, learning, and adaptation processes.
A Leader in CLA
LINC was a winner in USAID’s CLA Case Competition in 2023 and a finalist in 2024. Learn more about our recognized CLA cases:
USAID’s CLA Case Competition Winner
USAID/Mexico and LINC’s case is one of the winners of USAID’s 2023 CLA Case Competition. The activities showcased in the case are conducted under the MESA Activity.
The USAID/Mexico and LINC case, USAID/Mexico Unlocks the Door for More Innovative MEL Approaches, showcases how the Mission’s Program Office and the MESA team worked to design a novel process for updating and disseminating the Mission’s Performance Management Plan (PMP), and to effectively engage Mission staff in its design and use, reflecting two CLA sub-components: “M&E for Learning” and “Continuous Learning & Improvement”.
USAID’s CLA Case Competition Finalist
LINC, ECOSS, and Gerry Roxas Foundation’s case is one of the finalists in the 2024 USAID CLA Case Competition.
The case, Creating a Community of Local Systems Practitioners to Address Local Development Challenges Using Systems Thinking, focuses on the Communities of Practice for Effective Partnerships (COPE) Activity and showcases how COPE incentivizes participation with “learning while doing” through demonstration projects, providing $55,000 to each eligible organization to address a local development challenge using systems thinking. Recognizing that training and funding alone wouldn’t build a community, COPE emphasized intentional engagement to be a ‘member’.
Learn more about our CLA case.