Antigona Dajakaj, Objective Lead for the “Up to Youth” project in Kosovo, is responsible for strategy, oversight and implementation of Objective 3 activities focused on building and supporting networks and an enabling environment for positive youth development.
Antigona has nearly 20 years of experience with designing, managing, and implementing projects for youth and other vulnerable communities in Kosovo. In her most recent role, Antigona was responsible for the design and implementation of community youth mapping activities under the USAID Afterschool Support for Teams (ASSET) project in Kosovo, where she delivered workshops and trainings on community mapping to field coordinators, teachers and youth. Through her work with USAID, UNFPA, and UNICEF, among others, Antigona has implemented workshops for youth and other stakeholder groups around empowerment, gender, human rights based approaches, community mapping, and participatory design. She has a Masters in Sociology from the University of Pristina, and speaks Albanian and English.