About the Project
2022 – 2027 | $7.5 million | Mexico
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Monitoring and Evaluation Support for Adaptation (MESA) Activity aims to strengthen the monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) and collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) systems and capacities within USAID/Mexico and its implementing partners, to support the implementation of USAID’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS). MESA is a five-year (2022-2027), $7.5 million activity.
Under MESA, LINC’s services include:
- Monitoring: Developing and/or refining indicators and conducting data quality assurance, indicator data reporting, management, analysis, and visualizations.
- Evaluation and assessment: Conducting evaluation planning, design, learning, and dissemination; assessments and other studies to inform activity design and/or improvement.
- Collaboration and capacity building: Supporting and facilitating CLA processes and engagements with stakeholders, developing communities of practice, and MEL and CLA capacity building.
- Rapid response: Conducting data collection, research, and studies, or developing useful tools in response to USAID/Mexico requests.
MESA supports USAID and its implementing partners to ensure a focus on learning and adapting, connecting the three areas of services. All services under MESA use an inclusion-based approach.
LINC’s partner under MESA is women-led, locally-based Sistemas de Inteligencia en Mercados y Opinión (SIMO).
USAID/Mexico partners meeting hosted by MESA. 2022.
Rapid Response Mechanism
An activity-level gender analysis tool
A case study and a success story documenting the USAID/Mexico Civil Society + Pro Bono Activity
A study of how AI is being utilized in support of sustainable development programming
USAID’s CLA Case Competition Winner
USAID/Mexico and LINC’s case is one of the winners of USAID’s 2023 CLA Case Competition. The activities showcased in the case are conducted under the MESA Activity.
The USAID/Mexico and LINC case, USAID/Mexico Unlocks the Door for More Innovative MEL Approaches, showcases how the Mission’s Program Office and the MESA team worked to design a novel process for updating and disseminating the Mission’s Performance Management Plan (PMP), and to effectively engage Mission staff in its design and use, reflecting two CLA sub-components: “M&E for Learning” and “Continuous Learning & Improvement”.
USAID’s CLA Case Competition Announcement
Learning Materials
- (Spanish) Resumen de hallazgos, conclusiones y recomendaciones de la evaluación de desempeño de medio término de Sembrando Oportunidades
- Learning Brief: Femicides – Prevention and Response (F-PAR) Activities Assessment
- (Spanish) Resumen de hallazgos del Estudio: Proyectos para la Prevención y Respuesta al Feminicidio (F-PAR)
- Learning Brief: How an Assessment Provided Insights on Localization
- Learning Brief: Violence Prevention Activity (PREVI)
- (Spanish) Resumen de hallazgos del Estudio: Programa para la Prevención y Reducción de la Violencia (PREVI)
- (Spanish) Guía Práctica: Supuestos de un Modelo Lógico
- (Spanish) Guía Práctica: Uso y Revisión de AMELP
- (Spanish) Guía Práctica: Pausa y Reflexión
- (Spanish) Two-Pager: Tips Gestión de Datos de Monitoreo
About MESA
This activity is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The information provided on this website is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. Government.