En seguimiento al primer Análisis de Resiliencia Empresarial al COVID-19, se ha desarrollado el segundo Análisis de Resiliencia Empresarial al COVID-19 en el marco del programa TMS.
Our challenge to you is to identify where in your organization or programming you may be too myopically focused on the immediate COVID-19 response, and to…
We have seen a few examples of possible fixes that fail in some of the responses to the current pandemic as well. For example, in a much needed and important immediate response to the direct impact of COVID-19 in developing countries…
Whether researching, evaluating, implementing, protesting or watching you are indeed interacting with the system and are thus a part of it.
COVID-19 has been a large shock to all of the systems in which we operate in both our personal and professional lives. A systems thinking mindset can help us face the complexity of this challenge and better prepare our organizations, the sector and ourselves for the upcoming changes.
Durante 15 meses compartieron un espacio para reflexionar sobre la importancia de ser organizaciones sostenibles.
La crisis creada por la pandemia ha motivado a la empresas a diseñar estrategias de recuperación o contingencia para futuros eventos relacionados con la crisis actual.
We know that the novel coronavirus is already significantly impacting civil society organizations (CSOs).
As donors seek to respond to the increasing development needs while addressing the current private sector context, here are five key areas for consideration in light of COVID-19.
LINC conducted an independent, self-funded survey of CSOs from April 3 to 14, 2020 to understand how the pandemic is affecting their staff, their ongoing operations, and the communities they serve.