Last week, the USAID Ethiopia Resilience Learning Activity (RLA) launched the RLA Portal.

The RLA Portal is an interactive, web-based, knowledge management, networking, and communications resource for the resilience partners network in Ethiopia. It was built with the purpose of facilitating information sharing, disseminating evidence-based knowledge, and compiling lessons learned and best practices among resilience partners. In this way, it enables informed decision-making, promotes collaboration efforts, and improves efficiency by reducing the need to rediscover knowledge.
As a learning tool, users will find research reports, general programmatic information, and a variety of resources focusing on resilience and Collaboration, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) studies, reports, and databases. As a communication channel, users of the RLA Portal will have access to news, events, shared calendars, materials from events, and information about activities happening within the resilience network.
Full access to the RLA Portal is limited to the 20 implementing partners in Ethiopia that are implementing USAID-funded resilience programs, and various USAID staff. Additionally, the Portal includes restricted access sub-partitions for various Communities of Practice, Collective Action Platform members, and other initiatives being facilitated by RLA in Ethiopia.
Bersabeh Beyene, the Chief of Party for RLA, expressed her excitement for the launch of the RLA Portal: “We are excited about this launch and would like to invite and encourage all our partners implementing resilience programs in Ethiopia to join and take full advantage of this tool,” she said. “We trust that the use of the RLA Portal will enable more efficient communication within our network, promote collaboration, and document our learning”.
RLA serves as a “learning sidecar” to USAID/Ethiopia and its implementing partners, helping them to better understand what relief and development interventions can help make households, communities, and systems more resilient to increasingly persistent shocks and stresses. RLA is USAID-funded and implemented by LINC and its partners, Environmental Incentives, JaRco Consulting, and WI-HER.