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Inc5000 copy

“We hope this will motivate more social enterprises and mission-driven companies in their work”. LINC’s CEO

Cambodia Green Future Activity Facebook page

LINC awarded the final performance evaluation of USAID Cambodia Green Future Activity…

The LINC staff team

Our mission of “working alongside local actors to create sustained changes” remains the same, as it is the foundation that underpins our work. We are proud to share these updates with our readers.

Three seated young men and a young woman discussing over a sheet of paper.

LINC was awarded the Positive Pathways Activity mid-term performance evaluation…

RLA Portal

The RLA Portal is an interactive, web-based, knowledge management, networking, and communications resource for…

Meeting with organizations in Ethiopia (LEES)

LINC has been awarded the four-year, $5.1 million USAID/PPL’s Local Evaluation and Evidence Support  (LEES) Activity

Systems Thinking

In the final entry of our #10thanniversary series, we share our experience adopting systems thinking in development…

CLA Case Competition

USAID/Mexico and LINC’s case is one of the winners of USAID’s 2023 CLA Case Competition, the USAID Learning Lab announced.

Localization icon

We want to know what the international development community think, so we hope these blogs ignite fruitful conversations…

Monitoring and Evaluation

In our third entry, we share our experience in Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL), which is currently LINC’s largest practice area.

Localization lessons learned in Mexico.

This study sought to distill lessons learned about the challenges of localization using the USAID/Mexico Multi-Stakeholder…

A group of MEL Specialist seated around a table.

The role that monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) practitioners play has always been different in market system development (MSD) programs…

The coordination process for the TMS-MESA knowledge sharing activity

As a champion of collaboration in international development, LINC recognizes the importance of and encourages knowledge sharing among stakeholders…

A Systems Maps showing Factors with circles and Connections with arrows.

The USAID/Ethiopia Resilience Learning Activity (RLA) recently completed the “Gender and Conflict Analysis. The Effects of the Northern Conflict on…

Youth in Mathare championing for peace during the election period. Credit: USAID

LINC will conduct a midterm and final performance evaluation of the USAID/Kenya and East Africa (KEA) IGAPP…

USAID/Ethiopia Mission Director, Sean Jones, at the RLA launch workshop in Addis Ababa.

The USAID/Ethiopia Resilience Learning Activity conducted a Resilience Evidence Gap Analysis (REGA), to consolidate…

Diplomado en Mexico

In the second entry of our #10thanniversary series, we share how, from our experience, collaboration with local organizations multiplies locally led development…

LINC logo

Learn about LINC’s history, staff, and milestones. This is the first of four blogs LINC is publishing to celebrate its 10th anniversary.


High-quality, accurate, and relevant data form the cornerstone of evidence-based decision-making. USAID utilizes data to inform…

Systems Thinking workshop participants

LINC supported the PHA Partnership network by providing training, coaching, and technical assistance.

Mesa principal en el cierre del Programa Multiactor de Fortalecimiento

Durante dos años, el Programa Multiactor de Fortalecimiento capacitó a 11 OSC en temas de fortalecimiento institucional y procesos de incidencia.

Photo: FHI 360

LINC has been awarded the LPD final performance evaluation task order under the EVAL-ME II IDIQ.

Social Network Analysis in Kenya

SNA is critical to providing an understanding of the existing relationships in the sorghum value chain.

GhanaMEL launch13

LINC is leading the $16.5 million USAID/Ghana MEL Platform Activity to support the Mission and its implementing partners.

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LINC LLC announced today that Patrick Lohmeyer has been named Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company, effective September 1, 2022.

Monitoring and Evaluation

LINC has been awarded the five-year, $7.4 million “USAID/Mexico Monitoring and Evaluation Support for Adaptation (MESA) Activity”.


LINC has been awarded the five-year, $19.9 million USAID Resilience Platform Activity in Ethiopia.


LINC has been awarded the four-year, $16.5 million USAID/Ghana Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Platform activity under the EVAL-ME II IDIQ.

GLP-IF announcement asset

LINC is part of a new $6 million program to increase the inclusion of people with disabilities, particularly women, and improve labor rights at two large Kenyan companies.


This TMS activity helped produce targeted and actionable recommendations for policymakers and the business community in Honduras.


LINC has been awarded a task order under to assess and inform USAID/Kenya and East Africa teleworking practices.

IDIQ Award

LINC has been awarded the Active Community – Effective States (ACES) Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract by USAID.

Collaboration Models

LINC has been awarded the “Mid-Term Performance Evaluation of Long-Term Assistance and Services for Research (LASER)”…

Farmer Cyrus Bundi and wife display their improved potato seed nursery. (Photo: AVCD/Muthoni Njiru)

LINC has been awarded the Kenya Accelerated Value Chain Development (AVCD) Program Performance Evaluation…

Newspaper page

LINC serves as a subcontractor on TMS, providing expert support with MEL and piloting and implementing solutions that use a systems perspective to development.


While the SWS project was supporting WASH systems in Ethiopia, network analysis evolved.


In Ethiopia, SWS has facilitated Learning Alliances comprised of institutions and organizations to improve water supply and sanitation in four communities.

Monitoring and Evaluation

LINC was awarded USAID/PPL Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Services (EVAL-ME II) Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract.

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En seguimiento al primer Análisis de Resiliencia Empresarial al COVID-19, se ha desarrollado el segundo Análisis de Resiliencia Empresarial al COVID-19 en el marco del programa TMS.


A LINC le ha sido adjudicada la actividad “Alianzas para el Fortalecimiento” (MSA, por sus siglas en inglés), por USAID/México.


LINC has been awarded the Multi-Stakeholder Strengthening Activity (MSA) by USAID/Mexico. MSA will be co-funded by the USAID, FICOSEC, and Corporativa de Fundaciones.

East Africa

LINC was recently awarded the USAID/Kenya and East Africa Evaluation, Assessments, and Analyses (KEA-EAA) indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract.

Local systems

We understand that systems thinking can be difficult to put into practice, and we are dedicated to supporting development practitioners and social change-makers to apply a local systems approach to their wicked problems.


Our challenge to you is to identify where in your organization or programming you may be too myopically focused on the immediate COVID-19 response, and to…

Causal Loop Diagram

We have seen a few examples of possible fixes that fail in some of the responses to the current pandemic as well. For example, in a much needed and important immediate response to the direct impact of COVID-19 in developing countries…

Feedback Loop

Whether researching, evaluating, implementing, protesting or watching you are indeed interacting with the system and are thus a part of it.

Triangle exercise

COVID-19 has been a large shock to all of the systems in which we operate in both our personal and professional lives. A systems thinking mindset can help us face the complexity of this challenge and better prepare our organizations, the sector and ourselves for the upcoming changes.

GAA Colombia

In Colombia, CSOs came together as a group and worked to identify the pros and challenges of becoming financially sustainable.

GAA Colombia

Durante 15 meses compartieron un espacio para reflexionar sobre la importancia de ser organizaciones sostenibles.

Honduras COVID-19

La crisis creada por la pandemia ha motivado a la empresas a diseñar estrategias de recuperación o contingencia para futuros eventos relacionados con la crisis actual.

Diplomado Fondo Unido Mexico

From 2016 to 2019, LINC implemented the Local Capacity Development Activity (LCDA) in Mexico with the generous support of USAID.

CSO Financial Sustainability workshop, London

We know that the novel coronavirus is already significantly impacting civil society organizations (CSOs).

Blended Finance visualization

As donors seek to respond to the increasing development needs while addressing the current private sector context, here are five key areas for consideration in light of COVID-19.


LINC conducted an independent, self-funded survey of CSOs from April 3 to 14, 2020 to understand how the pandemic is affecting their staff, their ongoing operations, and the communities they serve.


LINC recently completed primary research on innovations to strengthen data ecosystems and local networks in Tanzania…


Why are people part of learning networks? What attracts them to join in the first place, and what sustains their participation over time? And how can network facilitators create the conditions so that learning networks thrive?

1) Clearly articulate your research question 2) Know how and by whom the information will be used 3) Clearly define your boundary (start small) 4) Work alongside a local partner 5) Engage local stakeholders throughou

Learn the top 5 Do’s and Don’ts to consider when using Social Network Analysis to address development challenges.

Systems Thinking LSP

Our work resulted in several reports and tools that we hope continue to be used and built-upon by development practitioners.

FFS blog2

Under the USAID-Local Works funded Facilitating Financial Sustainability (FFS) project, the LINC-led Colombia Action Learning Group (ALG) hosted a multi-day capacity training…

Macedonia subnetwork

In 2018 LINC released a solicitation for local organizations in Macedonia to co-implement an…

American Evaluation Association

This year LINC presented a poster on our SPACES work, specifically, the application of a systems lens in three separate complex health environments: Uganda, Zambia, and South Africa…


LINC and our partner, Peace Direct, hosted a ‘Civil Society Financial Sustainability’ workshop in London on November 6th and 7th. The event brought together a small number of diverse…


LINC facilitated five participatory mapping workshops with primary education sector stakeholders in Rwanda during September and October 2019…

CAPX - picture

LINC is pleased to announce that it recently launched the USAID-funded CAPx (Capital Impact Exchange) Activity. The five-year global activity, launched in August 2019, is designed to advance the knowledge base, generate…


Earlier this month LINC conducted a training course on systems thinking for international development. We had 20 participants including…

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LINC leads Objective 3 of the Up to Youth Activity, implemented by Global Communities, and funded by United States Agency for International Development – USAID.

Map of government offices working on water management in Tublay.

Several findings from the SNA emerged that reveal possible drivers of local challenges to maintaining access to potable water…

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The Diplomado course was delivered by LCDA eight times in Mexico City and in the northern priority border cities of Tijuana, Monterrey and La Paz…


Under the USAID-funded Facilitating Financial Sustainability (FFS) project, the Colombia Action Learning Group (ALG) hosted a two-day workshop…


Access the Listening Guide for Program Design…


Participants across Southeast Asia came together in Thailand to learn how systems thinking can support their own local development…

LINC's Valon Nushi...

LINC is pleased to announce the official launch of LINC Kosovo!

UG Cover

LSP developed a ‘User’s Guide’ to engender greater understanding and application of systems tools by the activity’s direct beneficiaries and by the development community…

FFS Blog Post_May 2019

During one of the breakout sessions, one of the participants asked “Has anyone researched this?” We have…


If you’re a local NGO and you’ve just received (or are currently implementing) a USAID grant, congratulations!  This blog space is for you…


The Local Systems Practice (LSP) consortium is supporting USAID/Philippines Local Works in an analysis of water access issues in the Municipality of…

Click this image to view LINC's December 13, 2018 presentation to USAID's Local Systems Community.

We see a number of challenges for systems thinking as we move into 2019…


LCDA has also taken a systems approach to capacity development to address USAID’s development objectives, including…

Metodología Diálogos Sistémicos (2)

LINC will launch a series of multi-stakeholder dialogues to identify areas of focus for systemic change…

Locations of organizations who submitted an EOI

The Local Systems Practice (LSP) consortium launched its “Systems Thinking for International Development” training in Mexico City and Bangkok…


The USAID Local Systems Practice (LSP) team, led by LINC, hosted the inaugural Local Works Unconference in conjunction with the project teams from…

Patients waiting outside of a Zambian border facility

The study will provide a scenario-based, statistical probability analysis of events and factors driving health-seeking behavior…


LINC team members attended the annual American Evaluation Association conference and connected with evaluators…


LINC was nominated by USAID/Mexico for its work as lead implementer of the Local Capacity Development Activity…


LINC presented on how systems tools can be applied to the impact investing sector. Explore an example of using SNA to explore the impact on investor communities…


Financial sustainability gets plenty of lip service in the civil society sector, and anyone who has filled out a grant application has…


LINC was honored to be a part of the NEAR (Network for Empowered Aid Response) Leadership Forum in Nairobi…

Workshop Day1_11

Working with the DGO team to map Guatemala’s governance system helped underline not only how well key PEA…

Ethiopia: Learning Alliance Baseline ONA Results Workshop

USAID’s Sustainable WASH Systems initiative brings together a consortium of researchers and practitioners to explore the application of…


Compared to value chain analysis, network analysis provides a more detailed and nuanced understanding of…


LINC recently conducted a rapid Social Network Analysis (SNA) of collaboration among researchers of nutrition in Zambia as a way to demonstrate the potential to use SNA to measure and track change in knowledge collaboration networks.

SWS Cambodia: December workshop participants presenting data

In partnership with WaterSHED, we presented the findings of a national-level Organizational Network Analysis and Systems Mapping…


Watch LINC’s recent webinar on using Social Network Analysis for international development programs

Click image above to read the Final Report (PDF)

LINC demonstrates the powers of network analysis to inform ongoing programmatic decision-making in Bangladesh.

Woliso Sanitation Network

Learn about how LINC recently used a network analysis on the Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership


LINC was honored to be a featured presenter at this year’s 2017 Global Innovation Week (GIW 2017), an event that brings together leading innovators, industry experts, researchers and scientists.


LINC recently completed a two-day training in Network Analysis for 28 participants in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Facilitated by LINC’s Managing Director, Patrick…

LINC's Managing Director, Patrick Sommerville presents at the 10th USAID Small Business Conference in DC.

LINC shares its experience working with an innovative, new award mechanism at USAID, the Broad Agency Announcements.

Field visit, Ethiopia

LINC’s Matt Guttentag shares takeaways from a recent workshop in Addis Ababa.

The FUM team celebrates the completion of their project with IBM.

Implementing Partner, Fondo Unido Mexico, aligns with IBM to Strengthen Community Impact.


In Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, access to safe, sustainable sources of water is far from universal.


To tackle complex issues, we need to shift our approach from managing for a finish line to seeking more resilient systems


Read about how network analysis can help you find out.

WASH Systems

LINC’s Matt Guttentag shares takeaways from a recent workshop in Addis Ababa.


Learn about LINC’s recent research on social networks for public service provision in the DRC.


On September 28, 2016, LINC’s Managing Director, Patrick Sommerville presented at the “Transforming Market Systems Conference” hosted by USAID/Microlinks in Washington, DC.

Systems White Paper

LINC co-authored a new how-to manual for on the application of systemic design, monitoring & evaluation practices into international development programming…


Taking time to collect feedback, reflect, and prepare for the next cohort.

local capacity development

Last Friday, in Mexico City, the Local Capacity Development Activity (LCDA), funded by USAID, celebrated the graduation of the first cohort of its “Diplomado” certificate training course.


LINC Managing Director Patrick Sommerville, participated in an hour-long panel entitled, “US Small Business Success Stories”, along with representatives from two other US-based small businesses, SSG Advisors and IBI.


Today in Mexico City LINC and Fondo Unido México launched a “Diplomado” capacity building program for Mexican Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

Systems Presentation Photo

LINC Discussed Social Network Analysis with USAID’s Systems Experts.


LINC’s New Global Development Lab Project Addresses M&E for Complex Systems.


Helping 26 local organizations take the lead in development.

Nicaragua Network

Events in Managua and Washington DC Showcase Activities and Findings.


Five-Year Social Network Research Launched.


LINC Applies Organizational Network Analysis to Youth Workforce Development in Nicaragua


Learn more about the self-evaluation of community ownership of the development process.

Workshop Closing

Read about our training partnership with Fondo Unido Mexico.

facilitation skills

LINC was recently in Horizontina, Brazil to support start-up of the Sowing Futures program


LINC recently interviewed Driton Tafallari, Executive Director of Developing Together (DT), on the challenges facing local NGOs in Kosovo.

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The recent focus on local systems strengthening has created an opportunity to witness some encouraging results, especially when it comes to a variety of approaches for…


Read more about this systems approach to Organizational Development


Feedback from our international donor and international NGO contacts consistently identifies several core needs for their local NGO partners, and echoes the demand we are receiving from LNGOs around the world.


We first became interested in Kenyan LNGOs on assignment early last year, when we were introduced to Adeso, a fast-growing NGO founded in Somalia 20 years ago


The NGO Council of Kenya, a forum for advocacy and capacity building of NGOs registered in Kenya, invited LINC to present to a conference for their members

LINC recently began collaborating with SNV USA, working to expand its portfolio of USAID-funded activities as part of the Netherlands-based NGO’s push to expand its US funding base.

LINC’s work to design a project for the development of the agricultural sector on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua led to the identification…