About the Project
A market system is defined as “a dynamic space—incorporating resources, roles, relationships, rules, and results—in which private and public actors collaborate, coordinate, and compete for the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.”
In Honduras, the USAID-funded Transforming Market Systems Activity (TMS) seeks to understand, diagnose, and address complex market behaviors and relationships that contribute to inequality and lack of economic growth. Overall, the activity seeks to sustainably increase business sales and create jobs with a total projected investment of $49.5 million from 2018 to 2025.
LINC worked with ACDI/VOCA (prime) and local partners, including the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), to develop market systems that are more competitive, resilient, and inclusive. Across several different economic sectors, we piloted and implemented solutions that use a systems perspective for development. This approach included identifying potential leverage points among actors in selected market systems and enabling those actors to be the drivers of change.
A Novel Analytical Method
To identify leverage points and factors of influence of change, TMS utilized a novel and promising analytical method for development programs that seek to promote systems change, called Structural Factor Analysis.
Click the image on the left to watch and listen to the TMS research team explain the use of Structural Factor Analysis and its findings.