In the final entry of our #10thanniversary series, we share our experience adopting systems thinking in development…
The role that monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) practitioners play has always been different in market system development (MSD) programs…
As a champion of collaboration in international development, LINC recognizes the importance of and encourages knowledge sharing among stakeholders…
This TMS activity helped produce targeted and actionable recommendations for policymakers and the business community in Honduras.
LINC serves as a subcontractor on TMS, providing expert support with MEL and piloting and implementing solutions that use a systems perspective to development.
En seguimiento al primer Análisis de Resiliencia Empresarial al COVID-19, se ha desarrollado el segundo Análisis de Resiliencia Empresarial al COVID-19 en el marco del programa TMS.
La crisis creada por la pandemia ha motivado a la empresas a diseñar estrategias de recuperación o contingencia para futuros eventos relacionados con la crisis actual.
Compared to value chain analysis, network analysis provides a more detailed and nuanced understanding of…
On September 28, 2016, LINC’s Managing Director, Patrick Sommerville presented at the “Transforming Market Systems Conference” hosted by USAID/Microlinks in Washington, DC.